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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You Find a Bag of Cash and You........

If I was to ever find a bag of cash I would seriously have a major dilemma on my hands. I have a lot of bills and student loans and a lot of wants. On the other hand though I would feel guilty if I kept it because I know I would want someone to be a good samaritan and return it to me.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Describe Your Favorite Meal

My favorite meal would have to be lasagna. I love the way my mom cooks it the best but I can eat it and do eat it anywhere that serves it. The way my mom makes it is with a layer of sauce and mozzarella cheese then a layer of noodles. Then a layer of mozzarella cheese then a layer of sauce and meat then a layer of mozzarella cheese then a layer of noodles and so on. She doesn't use that ricotta cheese and she uses Italian sausage and hamburger and spaghetti sauce and lots of mozzarella cheese and it is so good. I wish i would get it more offten then just on my birthday.   

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In ten years I see myself working for a large game production company like Blizzard or Microsoft Game. This has been a dream of mine since before I started school. My reasoning behind wanting to work for a large game production company is i have always loved playing video games so why not get payed to make them and make them like i want them made.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Describe Your Childhood

My child hood was a while back. I was one of the first generations to have the Nintendo Entertainment System. I was also around when computers were just coming into homes. There was also a lot of stuff going on in the world. Before my 6th birthday the Challenger shuttle exploded. I remember that day in school it was very chaotic. I remember my teacher calling for a moment of silence for the 7 brave astronauts that died in the explosion. Also the year of my birth is the year that "Do You Believe in Miracles" happened. That in case you don't know is when team USA Hockey beat the Russian hockey team for the gold medal.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

What does your mother mean to you?

My mother means the world to me. She is kind and has a big heart. She was raised in the south so she has all the southern manners a southern belle should have. She taught me a lot while i was growing up and for that i am very grateful. I wish her a very happy mothers day every year because I know she deserves it. So if you are out there reading this mom I hope you know you mean the world to me and I count myself blessed to call you mother.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Who is your favorite Star Wars Character?

My favorite Star Wars character would have to be Darth Maul. My reasoning behind this would have to be he was the first Star Wars character that used a double bladed lightsaber. The lightsaber was always said to be a hard weapon to master and then you throw another blade onto it and dang. I also like this character because he was just a bad ass. I do however think they killed him off too fast i think he should have at least been killed in the beginning of the second movie.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What fictional character do you identify with the most?

A fictional character that I identify with the most would have to be Mathew Perrys' character in The Whole Nine Yards movie. He is a little bit of a nerd and also a little bit of a softie.  He is always checking over his shoulder to make sure no one is following him. This character is just a funny, nerdy, and serious character all together.

What is my foavorite movie line?

My favorite movie line would have to be from the Die Hard movies. It is said by Bruce Willis and it is "Yippie ky ya mother fucker". This has to be said in each one of the movies and it always fits. Everyone that i know always waits with baited breath to hear that one line and it just make the character more of a bad ass.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What are your quirks?

Some of my quirks are making sure the faucets in my house are not leaking, and I always have to drive I do not like being a passenger in a car it makes me feel uncomfortable. I also have to be early to everything I do I hate being late.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What do you find when you type your name in on Google

When I typed my name in on Google I found that there are 611 people in the US White Pages named Gordon Miller. I also found out that I went 100 mph for my 100th birthday, and that I have a profile on LinkedIn which from what I read is the worlds largest business network. Some other things I found out is that I am a professor of chemistry receiving my BS from the University of Rochester in 1982. This one I find funny because in 1982 i was only 2 years old. The other funny thing is that i am no where near 100 years old and when i go 100 mph i get ticketed.  

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What is your favorite commercial and why?

My favorite commercial would have to be the Volkswagen commercial. It is the one where the little kid is dressed like Darth Vader and going around the house trying to use the force on different household items. When the little kids' dad get home he runs out there and past the dad who is trying to give him a hug. The little boy runs to the Volkswagen and starts trying to use the force on it and nothing is happening. All of the sudden the car starts up and the kids starts looking around like I did it that was so awesome. The camera goes back to his dads remote key start and he just winks at the kids mother. I think that commercial by far has been the best I have seen and the cutest.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My baby boy

This is my baby boy Blake. He just spent a week away from me and I missed him so much. He has never been away from me for more than a few hours and it was really hard on me with him not being there. He is my little buddy and we do everything together from playing video games to doing my homework. He is my reasoning behind me starting college and he is my reason to graduate. Everything I do I do for him, to give him a better life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Poverty to You, Describe it.

Poverty to me is not having the means to take care of your family either by no choice or your own fault. There are a lot of families out there right now losing their homes because the economy is not at its best right now. But there are also people out there that are just not paying their bills and spending it on whatever they want. Take this for example, I know a guy that just lost his house because he has a gambling problem. He would work all week and make good money and on Friday when he got paid instead of paying bills and buying groceries he would go to the casino and blow his money.Now sometimes he would hit it big but more times then not he would lose it all. When the bank foreclosed on his house he wondered why. Now that is one of the its your own damm fault that you lost your house now you just have to deal with it. But then there are other people who lose their job due to the company downsizing because of the economy. You are not getting laid off due to your performance but just because the company is having cut backs. That is an example of by no choice at all.

If I were to visit a TV show, which one would it be

The TV show I would visit would be The Amazing Race. This show is a reality TV show where you race around the world for a chance at a million dollars. Yes the money would be nice to win but the experience would be even better. You fly to different parts of the world that you would never think to go and compete in challenges against other teams. I would love to do this race with my mother because she is a huge fan of the show and has talked about going since she first watched the show. Plus I think we would be really good at it.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My perfect day!

My perfect day would consist of a few different thing. For instance spending some time with my kids at the park, watching them slide down the slide and run across the sand. Then taking them to a new movie that they want to see. Watching them laugh and watch intently sitting on the ends of their seats waiting for the climax of the movie. Then to top it all off a home cooked meal that is served at the kitchen table without the t.v. on and we enjoy the meal and conversation.

A Cyborg Enters the Classroom and............

A cyborg enters the classroom and walks to the front of the class. He states that he is here to teach the class about cybernetic implants. He says that cybernetic implants are comprised or both synthetic and mechanical parts. Pacemakers can be considered a cybernetic implant because it is a machine that controls your heart beat. If the heart stops beating it sends an small electrical shock to start the heart back up or keep it in rhythm. There are also the artificial hearts that they use while waiting for a heart transplant, those can be considered cybernetic implants.

Strong Writing Skills

I believe the thesis of this essay is that learning to read and write is important to everyone. The author states that he will be “forever grateful to those supervisors and mentors who challenged him to learn to write and speak well.” The author is a Major in the U.S.  Air Force and is mainly speaking about how he sees his soldiers misusing grammar and not writing complete sentences’ in their review packets. One in particular that stood out to me was the misspelling of the word “emulate”. The author was reading one of his soldiers packets before he was permanently shipped to another duty station and a bullet stood out on his packet. It stated that the soldier was a role model and he set the standard for peers to immolate.
            A little background on the word immolate it means to kill a person or animal, for example, as a ritual sacrifice or to commit suicide as a protest things of this nature. What is does not mean is copy another person which is what the original author of the packet meant to say. So with this stated I do agree with the thesis of this essay. Everyone needs to know how to read, write, and speak well no matter what job you have, what essay paper you are going to write, or what speech you are going to give. Without writing, speaking, and reading skills you might just be confusing someone that is going to pay attention to you.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Art depends on luck and talent

     I agree with this topic. The reasoning behind this is because you have to have skill to make good art, but you have to have luck to find good art. Finding a motivation for art is pure luck, say you are walking down the street and you see just by chance a beautiful sunset and you decide to paint it, that is luck to find that. The talent though is something you are taught like the stroke of the brush, picking the canvas, and selecting the right colors. so from these statements art does depend on luck and talent.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I was asked this question, do you have any regrets? The answer is no i do not. I regret nothing in my life so far. I think that everything that has happened to me has happened for a reason and it makes me a stronger person. Another question that was asked of me was, what types of regrets do you not want to have when you are older? The only type of regret that i do not want to have when i am older is not knowing my kids. My kids are my life and everything I do I do for them to give them a better life then what I had. I think all parents want their kids to have better then what they had. It makes the parents feel complete in knowing that they did everything for their children.