I believe the thesis of this essay is that learning to read and write is important to everyone. The author states that he will be “forever grateful to those supervisors and mentors who challenged him to learn to write and speak well.” The author is a Major in the U.S. Air Force and is mainly speaking about how he sees his soldiers misusing grammar and not writing complete sentences’ in their review packets. One in particular that stood out to me was the misspelling of the word “emulate”. The author was reading one of his soldiers packets before he was permanently shipped to another duty station and a bullet stood out on his packet. It stated that the soldier was a role model and he set the standard for peers to immolate.
A little background on the word immolate it means to kill a person or animal, for example, as a ritual sacrifice or to commit suicide as a protest things of this nature. What is does not mean is copy another person which is what the original author of the packet meant to say. So with this stated I do agree with the thesis of this essay. Everyone needs to know how to read, write, and speak well no matter what job you have, what essay paper you are going to write, or what speech you are going to give. Without writing, speaking, and reading skills you might just be confusing someone that is going to pay attention to you.
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