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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What is Poverty to You, Describe it.

Poverty to me is not having the means to take care of your family either by no choice or your own fault. There are a lot of families out there right now losing their homes because the economy is not at its best right now. But there are also people out there that are just not paying their bills and spending it on whatever they want. Take this for example, I know a guy that just lost his house because he has a gambling problem. He would work all week and make good money and on Friday when he got paid instead of paying bills and buying groceries he would go to the casino and blow his money.Now sometimes he would hit it big but more times then not he would lose it all. When the bank foreclosed on his house he wondered why. Now that is one of the its your own damm fault that you lost your house now you just have to deal with it. But then there are other people who lose their job due to the company downsizing because of the economy. You are not getting laid off due to your performance but just because the company is having cut backs. That is an example of by no choice at all.

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